I mumble & crap there ⇨⇨⇨ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
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I mumble & crap there ⇨⇨⇨ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Blabbly bluu
Saturday, June 21, 2008
well, basically, my mummy had her convocation at UM ..something called Sijil & Diploma Eksekutif....0_0"..so ya..actually, pr0ud of her lar..she managed to finish her studies at the age of 40+...-.-"... it was her 2nd graduation tingie lei..1st was in IIU for her law tingie n den 2nd wan UM...graduated 2 times..haha.. let me tell u a secret~``.......IM THE 1 WHO TYPED FOR HER ASSIGNMENTS!.NOT 1 NOR 2, BUT MORE THAN 3 ASSIGNMENTS...HAd PANDA EYES HELPING HER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NITE TRYING TO FINISH UP THE TYPING WORK!.....`` ok..that was the secret.. =D then start la...ppl telling me.."see..ur mother graduated..next is ur turn..make sure of it.."...i heard that from all the human beings that i kn0w...*faintz* 0h ya..i just realised that i actually went to watch m0vie evry week at MV...=X..seriously, u can find me in MV every week..either SAturday on Sunday..XD..haha..unless i go bak ipoh neh..xP Next is, about when u r in dangerous state in classes u attend..`~.. te fact is, once ur lecturer REMEMBER ur name, u r partially dead.. This is because, i am experiencing it now. . .My lecturer, Mr KOk...he got the habit of not bringing the attendance SheeT. So, u knw wen teachers ask questtion, they will ask us to answer rite?..so ya., when he ask questions n he pick some1 to answer, especially when he didnt bring the name list, he'll call the names that he remember ..So, n0w that he remembers my name..i always kena called to answer question..For example, ysterday,, i was like reading thru my lecture notes..then he suddenly call my name n ask "..give me 1 compound..."..i was like.."..harhh?..compound ah..(blurr state, tend to forgt wan lor)....er..WATER?! "..lol..he was like "..harh?..ahhh..rite!"...-_-"... Then hor, i dunn0 y...he cari pasal with me or wad...at the end of the class, i went to see him to ask something lar..den i was holding my files n books..1 of the book i was holding was "BIOINFORMATICS - BASICS AND APPLICATION" ...then while i was talking..he suddenly spotted the book n asked me .." WHY ARE YOU READING THAT BOOK?!!?!".. i ans.."err? o_O...y?" he said "..WHY?..THE LEVEL IS TOO HIGH...N0T FOR U YET.."...i quickly said.." no no sir...i JUST wanna read...canot meh?..JUST only.."..den he said " Oh..ok"... em0ish aint it?.. +___+" n oh ya..sorry to thama. coz ......haha....i was drinking my water..den suddenly laughed..so yeh..accidentally splashed out straight to her.. xD... siao-ish aint me? ^0^ Friday, June 20, 2008
yawww!`~ xD...erhmm~ yeh rite..starto from last 2 weeks..well, i went back ipoh.That was wen the SCHOOL HOLIDAYS started..my bel0ved crappy cuzin, Hadiie came back from singapore n as usual, waiting for me..XD..so ya, i went bak n PLAYYY with him..with the other cuzin too who stayed in Kl..ok la..only these are close to me..=D.. PS2 condition-` ![]() alrite, this is siong jin playin my GB .. -.-" ![]() nt to forget, maplestory..lolliiee~ XD here's a short video i took..+_+"
n ya..i saw this on my whiteboard at home ~ who wrote?..suspected --DAD-- xD -`Back in KL, back to classes`-...i just wanna write about something really shocking n actually CUTE!..gaaha!..well, about Mr Ong, the calculus lecturer again...based on the previous post, i said something abt him n mr kok rite?..well, n0w..he said..." i had dinner with mr KOK last nite..well, u see ,its fun being with him......."..then, we were like...O_O + XD ...(u knw wad i mean with that emotions)....he stopped for awhile...then..he continued sayin.." BUT OFCOURSE...! WE'RE NOT GAY!~~"...n tat was the time the auditorium was full of laughters...i was like...HARHH>!?...ROFLMAO!!!..i can0t tahan laughin de lor!..on the other hand,..i found he is cute..LOL!.. Lastly, i would like to announce that im officially INLOVE with PANDASs!..guess y?...well, on sunday, i went to the giant supermarket(located neaar my apartment)..n i gt myself PANDA BISCUITS!!!..nyeeeehee!~..."HELLO PANDA" and " PANDA LAND".. both are from meiji product..fwahahaaa!... x3 pandas~ ^3^ ~ Labels: panda-ing |