I mumble & crap there ⇨⇨⇨ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
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I mumble & crap there ⇨⇨⇨ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Blabbly bluu
Friday, June 20, 2008
yawww!`~ xD...erhmm~ yeh rite..starto from last 2 weeks..well, i went back ipoh.That was wen the SCHOOL HOLIDAYS started..my bel0ved crappy cuzin, Hadiie came back from singapore n as usual, waiting for me..XD..so ya, i went bak n PLAYYY with him..with the other cuzin too who stayed in Kl..ok la..only these are close to me..=D.. PS2 condition-` ![]() alrite, this is siong jin playin my GB .. -.-" ![]() nt to forget, maplestory..lolliiee~ XD here's a short video i took..+_+"
n ya..i saw this on my whiteboard at home ~ who wrote?..suspected --DAD-- xD -`Back in KL, back to classes`-...i just wanna write about something really shocking n actually CUTE!..gaaha!..well, about Mr Ong, the calculus lecturer again...based on the previous post, i said something abt him n mr kok rite?..well, n0w..he said..." i had dinner with mr KOK last nite..well, u see ,its fun being with him......."..then, we were like...O_O + XD ...(u knw wad i mean with that emotions)....he stopped for awhile...then..he continued sayin.." BUT OFCOURSE...! WE'RE NOT GAY!~~"...n tat was the time the auditorium was full of laughters...i was like...HARHH>!?...ROFLMAO!!!..i can0t tahan laughin de lor!..on the other hand,..i found he is cute..LOL!.. Lastly, i would like to announce that im officially INLOVE with PANDASs!..guess y?...well, on sunday, i went to the giant supermarket(located neaar my apartment)..n i gt myself PANDA BISCUITS!!!..nyeeeehee!~..."HELLO PANDA" and " PANDA LAND".. both are from meiji product..fwahahaaa!... x3 pandas~ ^3^ ~ Labels: panda-ing |