I mumble & crap there ⇨⇨⇨ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
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I mumble & crap there ⇨⇨⇨ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Blabbly bluu
Friday, August 29, 2008
-You Sux Meh Socks-Currently really really inlove with guitar hero. I gt myself the guitar to play this Guitar Hero PS2. Using the guitar is more fun than just usin the controller to play this game. XD ![]() ![]() Slacking in progress~ 2nd sem is startin soon!..nyaaaaaaaaaa!!~ i hate tis...=.=" shorty post`` -my blog full of crap- LOL! Friday, August 22, 2008
``IM CURRENTLY SLACKING``papa tagged me n so im doin it nw instead of crapping my own stuff. ;) 1. Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. 2. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. 3. No tags back!! 15 weird things/habits/facts abt myself are : 1. I talk with my toys. =X or so called babies . Those hanging at my bags. im NOT insane. Those are my babies~^-^~ 2. Newly discovered ---> i'll tend to start mopping the floor when im stress. +_+ 3. I dont like to put my bags on the floor nor any other place, so u can see my bags are on my bed. 4. I HATE "taugeh" (bean sprout) . I'll waste my time separating those taugeh frm the food im eating. These are TAUGEHS! gaaaaaaa!!~>.<~ 5. I roll myself in my blankie if i sleep on the floor. Dx 6. Im a girl, n i DO play games alot. Doesnt matter online games or Ps2 games. Some ppl tend to think that a girl shouldnt b playin games like those fighting or horror or bla bla bla... 7. Im a 17yrs old girl who sometimes sleep with her parents. =x 8. I dont like sweet drinks, so i'll add plain water. It will bcme diluted n my fren will say, "aiyer..not nice de, canot taste anything" 9. Im an anime fan . ^____^` 10. I used to get addicted to Maplesea n Auditionsea, i wasted my $$ to buy those cash cards. Thrs only 20 in that pic but i have more than that actually -_- 11. I used to haf kinda short hair, so i used GATSBY movin rubber . Conclusion, ppl thought im a boy n said that im the BF to my gal fren. =.=". P/S i have longer hair NOW. XD 12. I HATE SMOKERS ..yeh, tats a fact abt me. 13. I tend to make weird sounds. I dont knw y. Such as, "nyuuuuu~, nyaaaaa~,chuuuu~~, nyeeeeeeh!~, fuuuuuu~..." n lots more. -_-. u can only experience this if ur living with me in the same house. 14. I still play with bubbles when i have time during my bath. 15. DO NOT make me laugh when im drinking. i bet chuu all knw it. I have the ability to make fountain if i really canot tahan. Results will b, either ur face will get wet or u'll experience free bathing. The 1 lucky person im gona tag is : - 1. Pikachu XD
Saturday, August 16, 2008
nyehh nyehh nyehh~ well, i jz finished my exams n nw currently havin sem break for 2 weeks. For the last 2 weeks, i wasnt online n obviously was tryin to concentrate on revision for the exams. Let me ask u something. Do u believe when some1 is under stress or tension, he/she will tend to eat more and spend more on food ??.. Well, for me, i DO believe in it. I bet some of u guys haf cme thru this situation too. Especially during the exams period. xD This is what happened last week before the exams started. The whole week, i went out for my meals. Normally, i'll just eat some breads but that 1 special week, i realised that i spent more than rm 60 for myself just for 5 days. This is all because of my dearest effing friend, Natalie Ng Yong Sim. nyehhehe~ Both of us were in the stress condition, studyin for exams day n night. 1st Day: She came to my house to study Msian studies together. So ya, we did. It was around 2pm+, n our tummy says "weiii! im hungry laa".. She decided to go out n eat, but i said i was lazy n didnt want to waste time instead of studyin. So, we ordered PIZZA frm PIZZA HUT. Those who knw Pizza hut is soooo bloody near to the place i stay. LOL!.. Instead of da bao-ing n bring home, we called n made order. Can u imagine , we didnt even knw our address?.. When the operator asked us the address, miss yong was like " errr...angkasa condo...."...Then i said, "eeh!..wait ahh,"..i looked up in my hp since i remembered that ive saved the address in the phonebook. So ya, we ordered 2 small hawaiian chicken n er....hawaiian supreme ah? island sumthin..=X..It was around RM20 includin delivery charge. As usual, sharing is caring. rm10 each. Then, continued studyin while eatin pizzas. 2nd Day : We went to eat at a place called One Some ( such a weird name, "Want some?..Wan ton? Wan sum?..-_-"). Never tried eatin there b4, since the advertisement says gt japanese food n i was really missing sushi, so we went in n sit. The place is quite..er..nice la. gt air cond. They provide japanese table to study, gt LCD for wad, i duno.. gt games to play. The first thing i said when i entered the restaurant, i said.." jie ahh..nobody eatin here oso except for that couple n us..nt nice gua?"..haaha!~...Then, the waiter came n give us the menu. I flip thru searchin 4 jap food but cudnt find. I asked the waiter, " Do u haf japanese food?"..He said.." eh? no lahh..nono..the menu thr"..I was like..-____-"..orhh!~gt western food, gt normal food lor. Haiyaaaa, downstairs on the board gt paste japanese food de.. nw dun haf.. Yong sim made her x___X face. Both of us were dissapointed actually. Decided to go out n eat at Old Town, but i saw it was full. But then, too hungry de. =X. I wanted to order Chicken Chop but he said finish liao. Again i was like -_-"...ok lor. i ate fish n chip since i didnt want to eat rice coz the day b4 i ate old town nasi lemak de. Ah jie ate char kuey teow but with fried egg n both of us drank ......er...ice lemon blackcurrent or ribena..i 4gt wad is it called. -_-..Nice lehh!.Not too sweet. For ur info, i dont like sweet drinks, if its tooo sweet, i'll order ice water n add in to make it diluted. =X The glass....like a place for flower to grow that kind. rm3+. quite cheap neh~ ^-^ I told YS that im gona b drunk. She again piakk my head with the paper.. N oh ya!, we brought our notes to read. 2 VERY HARDWORKING Gals rite?..agree? plzz agree.. =x The food was OK la..nt too bad. Can eat again. ![]() After the meal, we went to WATSON. I bought my shampoo n a box of biscuit. Instead of Panda, its KOALA! XD. I wanted to buy a purple colour hair spray but since i was BROKE, no money liao lor,so cudnt buy. T____T. ![]() ![]() Honestly, PANDA BISCUIT is much more nicer than this MARCHING KOALA.^-^ 3rd day : After Msian Studies Exam around 12pm+. As usual, we will ask each other, " today want to eat wad?.." LOL!. N so, we went to eat at Old Town. She ate er...Mee..n again i 4gt the name. -_- .. sumthin like Mee soup.OMG leh!.. m i havin STM?!?!?!...Nooo!!..btw, STM stands for short term memory to those wonderin wad is STM. Back to the story, i ate Dried Curry Mee. OH dear!..spicy for me. The dried curry paste ontop of the noodle was toooo much. Made it bcme kinda salty. ;X n i drank Ice chocolate. Ys drank ..sumthin whch i 4gt wad she drank. Soriiiieee~!! ='X. Then she followed me back to my house n we study together again. Guess what? we studied for like 2-2 1/2 hr n the rest , we were listening to JJ lin songs. Since both of us having the same interest, ofcoz we will talk abt JJ n JJ n JJ n JJ~~ We were bluetooth-ing jj songs to hp. gahahaa XD!.. Im currently falling inlove with the song called Bei Feng Cui Guo De Xia Tian sang by JJ lin jun jie n Jin sha. goodness!! seriously nice song lei. >.< Then, we went McD for dinner. We also brought our notes to read. haha XD 4th day : We went to Secret Recipe to EAT n STUDY!. From 12pm-6.30pm . The amount written on the receipt was RM90. Jaaahahahaa!! xD .. Yong Sim really can eat alot lor. Thama said " this gal eat alot har?!..ur stomach gt wad inside?" LOL.. OK, this time Thama followed us. Yong sim ate Chicken Black Pepper Rice + Ice Chocolate + Durian Durian Cake (she loves durian but not me) + Watermelon juice + Mushroom Soup. Costs her RM40+. For me, i ate Spicy Chicken Cornish + Carrot Cheese Cake + Ice water + Ice blended Green tea + i da bao-ed Spaghetty bolognese . RM 30+ and Thama just ate 1 chocolate brownie which she just need to pay rm 4+. She didnt eat much coz her housemate will cook for her. -_- HAHA!! The conclusion is WE ARE STRESS! STUDY MORE = EAT MORE =X Based on the pic, i brought my ZHUZHU (iron hog). lools. Thats Ice blended Green Tea, Carrot Cheese Slice, Durian durian cake, brownies, eraser, calculator, papers, pens, pencils, pencil box ...n my laptop was thr also but nt in the pic. The table was very messy with out things lor. XD. That bolognese spaghetty is my favourite. Look at how much cheese thr.. it shud b melted but since i packed n only eat it few hours later, it bcame cold de. heehe~ xD.. I think hor, the waiter must b saying " at last, this 3 gals goin bak". Because, we kept on calling him to order. We made his day a tiring day. x) 5th Day : For lunch, Me n YS went McD. Again she ate alot. 1st she ate burger.. Then she ate porridge. Then she ate fries. I ate fries n i da bao-ed 1 chicken foldover. As usual, we brought notes to study oso. HAHA!!.. 6th n 7th Day which was Sat n sun, my parents came n so i didnt go out. They just bought me food. Yong Sim has her aunty to cook for her. XD! -THE END- Labels: stressness
alrite..i actually gt lots of stuff to crap ! seriously ALOTTT to write nw.. but im tired..-_-"
well, i'll juz post this 1st nw since pika tagged me.. XD haha.. Rules: 1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. 2. Each player answers the questions about themselves. 3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog. Starting time: 1.39am Name: Etsu Yoshida ^-^ Sisters: 1 (10 yrs older than me) Brothers: 1 (9 yrs older than me) Shoe size: 7-8 ( but i normally will buy bigger than my shoe size..n wen i walk, it will flip-flap-flip-flap..=x) Height: 173cm (i want taller leh~!) Where do you live: a house?..u want address or wad? o_O..a house in ipoh n singapore AND a masterbedroom in cheras. XD Favourite drinks: Apple juice + aloe vera, go mamak shop i'll order teh-o-ice limau kurang manis, ice lemon tea, green tea, -_- ICE WATER! Favourite breakfast: rarely eat breakfast, so no favourite? fine.. bread. =d Have you ever been on a plane: Yea.i agree with pika. i oso like those food served on plane. XD Swam in the ocean: er..ocean or sea?..o_O...i think ya.last last last time. but hor, i like kuantan the sea coz the waves are huge!!! LOL! Fallen asleep in school: OFCOZ..im a human. during those secondary schools. lol.. i love sleeping in CERTAIN class. nt all aite.. but seriously, when u go to the same skool for 5 years, wont u feel bored?..i felt..n thats y i was bored goin to skool. LAST TIME. XD Broken someone's heart: i dunno?..maybe?..if i broke ur heart, im sorry. i'll stick it together back okiie? =X to those who felt i broke their heart. Fell off your chair: er..now ah?..no gua..last time ah?..mayb?..i dun remember coz thrs no scar on my butt.. =X Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Nope..but the hp will b by me. n im waiting for it to wake me up in the morning. =P Saved e-mails: i only delete those nonsence forwarded n junks.. What is your room like: now?..its like .. er.. my home. XD.. come in n see.. ^^ What's right beside you: er...nuthin?..ghost?. =X What is the last thing you ate: Chicken cornish jz nw at 6.30pm with daddy at secret recipe. XD Ever had chicken pox: YEH!.. Sore throat: OFCOZ! often. i normally will haf worst than sore throat. its called tongxilitis..spelling unsure. doctor recommend me to take out my tongxil?!..T___T.. coz it will get swollen badly. >.< Stitches: Nope. *touch wood* Broken nose: NO!..*choi!* Do you believe in love at first sight: Partially. x) Like picnics: not really.. coz kinda ma fan. need to bring lots of things. =X Who was the last person you danced with: my babies..lol.. MOriji!!!! x3 You last yelled at : i dont yell at ppl..^___^ Talk to someone you like: yep!..i even talk to my toys that i like known as my babiees..+_+". Kissed: yup.. parents.. toys Talked to an ex: define "ex" plz... xP Miss someone: not someone.. MANYone.. =) Do you sleep with stuffed animals: er..YA ! my babiies.. ^o^ Who do you really hate: i dont like to hate people..but ..depends. What time is it now: 2.16am Randoms : Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now: Yea. Q: Do you have any siblings: Yaaah Q: Do you want children: dunno?..lol..nt time to think of having children Q: Do you smile often: er..ya..dunno?..u see me smile often ah?..XD u smile i smile. i smile u dun smile den i heck care lor.. XD Q: Do you like your hand-writing: OFCOZ!! unique XP NICE + CLEAR + CUTE + ......-_- Q: Are your toenails painted: LMAO!! no.. Q: Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: whose?..any1..haha..must b comfy n spacy.. coz i tend to turn 360 degrees on the bed. =X Q: What colour shirt are you wearing: now?..black with merlion pic ..hhaha XD Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday: dinnering+studying for maths exam+lookin at ppl swimming Q: I can't wait till: er..the 1 im waiting has reached..the finals ended. nw i cant wait to go lepaking with friends. =x Q: When did you cry last: cant remember... rare crying Q: Are you a friendly person: Yup..if u are to me. XD Q: Do you have any pets: i had tortoise but duno go whr de. i haf fishes nw. Q: Where is the person you have feelings for right now? i wonder whre..,, Q: Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now? er..lol..te last person i held hand was with my cuzin..i dun think it meant anythin. Q: Do you sleep with the TV on? Nope. used to. i seldom watch tv. Q: What are you doing right now? Typing + clicking + talking + watching Q: Have you ever crawled through a window? NO! im nt JU-ON! Q: Can you handle the truth? dunno?..MAybe.. Q: Are you closer to your mother or father?..er.. both..but ppl say im more closer to dad.PPL SAY.=) Q: Who was the last person you cried in front of? who ah?..x_X Q: How many people can you say you've really loved? nvr counted. Q: Do you eat healthy? depends on my stressness level. Q: Do you still have pictures of you & your ex? .. LOL.. nonsence. ! Q: Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you? Depends how deep it hurts me.but very rare lor. coz i dun care ppl say wad. I AM WHO i AM Q: How often do you go to church ? haha..nvr.. Q: If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to? to myself or my toys or mayb parents. Q: Are you loud or quiet most of the time? in the middle. XD partially loud n quiet Q: Are you confident? Depends on wad im facing..normal rite?.-_- 5 people I tag: 1) Papa Shi min 2) Joany 3) Jess LMAO 4) Judee 5) Hongky finally! DONE!..continue to crap more in next post. -sign out- |