Taggie by Jess ;D1. Whats your ambition?
To be successful in evrything i do. lol. common ans rite?.. 2. How often do you think of commiting suicide?Evrytime during the examinations period. +.+3. Do you think you have enough confidence?
Depends in what kind of situation.4. How many babies you want?
As many as the number of students in a university. LMAO! That is sooo not gonna happen.5. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
Duhh...Scientificaly it will happen. Its not a believe. If u duno..search in the net on how rainbows can occur. LOL! XD6. What is your goal for this year?
My goal is to ACHIEVE all my goals. ;D7. Do you believe in eternity love?
Hmm..Maybe? =)..no prove yet. haha8. What's a perfect girlfriend/boyfriend like to u? (List 10)
lol...anyway..no1 is perfect. but somehow i'll jz list down ba. -independent-caring-cute..yes.as in the attitude. xP-can crap jz like me . =S-a sharing person-not smoking. >< .-funny and ofcoz has a sense of humor-trustworthy-a person who can play with me in any games. XD LOL!-honest9. What feeling do you love most?
o_O...dunno?..being important?10. What are the requirements you wish from the other half?
-.- ... requirements huh.. not applying for any jobs rite?..-.-"11. Is there anything u wanna tell the ppl u hate?
God bless u ;]12. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Yup! ofcourse. from the bottom of my leg n frm the top of my head, i cherish my friendships. ;x13. What does flying means to you?
F+L+Y+I+N+G = fly high up in the sky n get struck my lightning. ;X *choi!*14. What do you crave for the most currently?
SUSHIsss & Fishhhess~ +.+15. Where would ur ultimate vacation spot be?
Toys Land. i wish it existed just for me ;x16. Describe the person who tagged u in 7 words
A prettay babe n older than me. xDD17. What have you done to yourself make yourself happy?
er...winning in games?..i dont knw~~ -3-"18. What will you become in another 10 years to come?
That will be 27 years old. LOL. i'll b a better human. XD19. What is your lucky number?
evry number that exists..LOL..it changes evryday lah.20. What are you hunting for?
BAGS! Sling bags. =xInstructions : Remove one question from above and add in your personal question. Make a total of 20 questions and tag 8 people. List them out at the end of the post. Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.- Judee- Hongky- EddieZz- Caglvine- Rachel- Sammy- Pikachu- Joan
bak into the cage ~.~4 days break frm classes n now im bak to rape all the lecture notes. -.-"
I ponteng-ed biz class jz nw at 4-6pm n went to MidValley with daddy. lol. I was walkin with my
ankle-guard on coz i sprained my left ankle on Sunday. But it felt alright n not so painful like
what i had last 2 years. So the purpose of goin to Mv is actually to buy my shoe.

Went to eat at Carls Jr. For duno wad reason my dad made me laugh like ....OMG.guess y?..
He was lookin at the menu. Then kept on askin me what is that n what is this since he duno ma.
coz normally he didnt go order. So i didnt really actually listening lor.
This is the conversation ...
Dad : Why that 1 cheaper?Me : How i knw? u ask mr carls laDad : What m i eatin now?Me : ....Sh**..XD..FOOD!Dad : Y the chicken taste different?Me : Its pork.. =.=" (i gt annoyed).Dad : WHat?! -.-...u ahh... hmm.. heinz chili sauceMe : No..Ur dad's chilli sauce. XDDad : ..What is that at the counter?Me : What??Dad : tat wan at the counter..wad is tat?Me : What whatt?Dad : (he cursed me..-.-)...Diu .............(i think u guys knw wads the continuation of that)Me : *burst into laughter* HAHAHAAA!!!(luckily i wasnt drinkin...XD)..louder louder...hahaDad : ...*laughin*..u ahh..So u see.. its the 1st time that word came out frm his mouth TO ME.. n I was kinda shocked coz
its EFFINGG FUNNY! ..1st time leh..HAHAA!! funny sia! ppl arnd nt lookin at him coz he said
that but instead lookin at me laughin and giggling n actually i knocked my head on the table..
-.-"..funny fuunnyy...XDD
alrite...im gona play bubbles in the bathroom nw.
Jess~i'll do ur taggy ...2mro?.x)Ah gong~ how was ur "beloved" BM claz?Sammy~ This sat we go clubbing? LOL..or SUSHI? XDD cya in col.Hadiii~ faster come bak..i wan to hear all ur stories or shud i say complains abt ah gu'sn ur Gan Eng Seng sec skool story..XDDn to myself....study la babe.. ~.~ "
LOL! xP King of Lame..yes u! xP1 2 3! ........
i kena bullied by ah gong. T-T
LooL...well, LAMELY asked to write about this ah gong called Eddie NYT.
y? .. i oso duno.. so free le?.. ~.~
Name that i knw.. EddieZZ...i asked wads with the Z? ..he said. coz he loves to slp n thats hes
hobby.. n now for duno wad reason hes makin my name oso gt zz ~.~..huiyoh.. lame no. 1.
How old?..ofcoz OLDER than me. i respect u n so im callin u ah gong. lame no. 2.
Frm where? .... is tis privacy?.. lol. ok larh.. frm the planet pluto. .. -.- ... lame no. 3
How i get to knw tis cow? ... secret..or mayb frm a farm..=X LOL.. lame no. 4
lols.. i think i really crapped thr..
Im feeling so crappy leh!..oh my gawdd! >o<
ok lah.. Ah gong ah. ur..er..A SMELLY PIG!. =/
okok.. serious 1.
1. Funny
2. Caring
3. Responsible
4. Kind
5. Enthusiastic
6. Patriotic
7. err... let me think of those good values...gt wad summore ah?.. =X
haha.. okok.. serious no 2. really de. serious .!
Ur a funny guy. u actually made my head dropped on the table many times due to the sudden
Kind person. LOL!.. ya meh?..haha.. xankyouuuu ah gong for givin me the link of whr to dll jj
new album, sixology.. ^-^
Caring person.. ~.+ ... i dunno y.. but i think u are... r u? ;)
LAME person ... OH YES!.. U ARE!.. LAMER than me. n im proud of that. XD
SMelly person.. OH yes! i can smell it in cheras itself. LMAO!!..=p
wad sumore le?...llool.. i duno much lor. haiyoo.. to b continued ba. -.-"
btw, i know ur sooooo effing proud now lor. XD. rite? rite?.. booooo~~
ehh humans... y m i feelin so cold?.. ive rolled myself in my blankie..n yet......
dont tell me..im......."gonna b gone"?..O_O..choii!!
oh ya.. had fun played at cafeteria. DANG! u recorded me when i was in stress mode playin with
my toys jz nw?! . ><
-some1 is proud XD-
LOL!.. see~ i so good.. u ask me to write.. i write. u ask me to study.. i study.. i ask u to slp..u
sure slp wan lor.. XD
Owww~ Now
EddieZZZZZZ ah gong knw evrything. shocked leh.. im good in givin surprises.
gaahaa! so now u knw me?. ^-^ .
isit a good thing? or a baddie thing?.. hmmm~ -3-" *f3*
see lar.. i write ur name here.. happy anot? .. lawL~XD
im normal to this kind of shocking-ness that ppl give me. haha.
coz y?
I AM BEING MYSELF ``haha..its not copyrighted rite ah gong?..;P i knw i can copy anything frm urs. kyaahaha XD
guys~ guess wad is UCSI in terms of ppl frm utar ?
U C Sohai Inside. they r sayin in ucsi are all sohais.. -.-
lets go attack them! boooohahaaaa! LAME worhh!
ah gong ah.. get ready hor.. we're comin to bring bazooooka n bomb ur place. xP *evil grins*
*studying* ...haha...i'll do what i promise.
-I played with ink a few minutes ago..-.-"-
LOL. guess wad! dont need to guess lah.. im about to tell u..
There is this printer which has its own external ink. When the internal ink cartridge has been used up, it will suck in the external inks. So, this external ink stays in a container outside of the printer's body.. -.-.. ok hell. tis is like idiotic story larh..
Straight to the point. I accidentally kicked it jz now n it dropped and the ink was all over the floor. Not just that... When i was wiping off the stains on the floor, I gt infected by the inks. =.=" ..
kena my hand n legs. -.-so now . i look like those working at the mechanic.
Look how much ink left? T.T..jpg)
This is how i studied on Saturday nite. lol.
(tis is my emotion when the ink dropped) XD
n to mr EddieZZZZZZ.. im NOT careless.. but the 1 who is careless is the PRINTER.
n oh! btw, i gt sore throat due to the non-stop laughing at college jz nw. +.+
Lameee~ -,-
-i love my parents ^o^-Well, its Sunday! not the day for me to sleep nor play..But its the lovely day for me to revise
for my coming up exams next week and the next next week. ~.~
Guess what! i slept around 4am coz i cudnt sleep so i grabbed my lecture notes around 12am+ n
started to rape them with my colourful highlights. LOL!..
n boooyaaa! i woke up at...er...10.59am. XD
then i went to lappy n went to viwawa and played awhile. Then "raped" notes again.
Suddenly i received a call frm mama. I was like.."har?!" when she said... "open the door"..
I was seriously blurr...O_O.. what door u want me to open?..-.- ...
n hell ya! Dad n mom came to my place! I was actually surprised coz i asked them dont need to
come la..im having exams n so i wont b goin bak to Ipoh this week ma. But ....aww.. they missed me sooo much.
Especially mama.. haha.. guess what she said when I open the door...
Mama : " HI BABY!!! *hugged me* (once i open the gate) ... I miss u .. u knw?"
Me : " ah..i knw la.." *hug her* (i normally will act cool) but actually im touched.
They came without informing me. OMG can! XD... she said " i brought ur fav fried rice.."
LOL?.. came just to give me that fried rice.. haha...Then they asked wether i wanted to go
anywhere?.. Too bad . i dont need to go out coz i need to study leh.
Then they were in my house for a few hours. And went bak Ipoh. T.T
From Ipoh to KL for them is just like from my house to the town. Well, tis is not the 1st time
they did tho.
I LOVE my Dad n Mom !` (aiyaa...emo le...tears comin out)
-->i may sometimes act cool infront of them or when talking to them...but god knows how much i appreciate n how much i love them .<--
i drove without license =Xboo!! ...i knw u were nt scared.. ~.~Let me ask u... Why do u think a person is a MUST to have an official driving licence in order to drive a car on the bloody road??.. Just to let the uncle policeman molest ur driving licence card?.. ok la.. not molest.. wrong word..its nuthin to do with sexual disturbance. but ...on the card , its written thr gender rite?.. hmm.. so ya.. MOLEST...-.-".. molesting the card just to get money..=X... alrite.. so..actually .......i jz wanted to tell that..... i drove without licence ysterday...It was at nite, around 11pm+. At 9pm+, My parents, bro and me went to Old Town in Ipoh just to hang out n lepak lepak together b4 i went bak to KL. So then after finish lepak-ing, we went bak home. When reached the gate, my parents went into the house accept me n my bro. He asked me " oi.. lets go..u drive"what else i can say?..i wanna drive ok?.. haha..so LETS GO!..so ya.. I drove around the town and here and there. Lucky me there was no "pak cik police" workin at that time..i guess....who cares?.. u wanna summon me.. summon lor.. i give it a smackat ur arse.. =X...ok..mayb not.. im high about driving nwdays.. +.+after 1 hour, i needed toilet so much that i drove bak home using gear 3 n here we go..speedoooo!!..LOL!..im born to b lame leh..^-^..Sat morningmom said : " gal!~~~WAKE up! study la"Sunday morningmom said : "look at my baby teddy bear~~ WAKE Up study la girl!"Sat and Sunday morningDad said : " oi! wake up la..! *pullin my blankies + smack me+tryin to force my eyes to open* which actually annoyed me when i was still sleeping, that i kicked him with my eyes closed. And heng!! kena him directly at his ........nvm.. lol.. enuf of this.ok. thats all i had to crap for this time.
IM sLEEPY ! baka! -.-
-Lame-ing iz fun``-
this is it,
the same as the 1 i lost. - Light blue Pilot Shaker Super Grip 0.5
But.....the feeling is not the same.....the sentimental value starts from 0 again..... *sobs* ;(
The previous one is one of my precious pencil. Been using it since Secondary 2 and for all the
exams i sat til now. *sigh*
Well, past is past. Now i have a brand new 1 . The same 1.. Dont ask me hw much..Altho it was
like...ahhh~ spend my money just on a pencil??....hell yeh! ITS JUST ME! XD
LOL!.. im Lame! i know. its not that i dont have other pencils.. Its just that.. nyehh nyehh~~
I M L A M E ^__^
by the way, "A good pencil is a must to obtain good results" =X
--exams coming again--- =/
-Tagged by Hongky, art mate-
[01] Name:
Etsu Yoshida .... XD
[02] Nickname:
Faifai, crappy, mor mor, shidamiru, faichan, panda, zhuzhu....LOTS more-.-"[03] Married:
nope..im stil YOUNG![04] Zodiac Sign:
Pisces ^0^
[05] Gender:
Female[06] Age:
17[07] High School:
Methodist Girls School (MGS), Ipoh
[08] College:
University College Sedaya International (UCSI)
[09] Height:
174 ( measured last 4 months)[10] Weight:
[11] Do you like yourself:
ofcoz.. its ME!
[12] Piercings:
HAD...1st both sides of my ears.. then left 1 side,finally no more. +.+
[13] Right or left:
huh? wait.. lemme think which is left n right..-.-...Right i guess?
[14] Are you a freak :
what do u think? i stil love myself. XD
[15] Hair:
wad abt my hair?..average length. -.-"
[16] Skin:
wad abt my skin?...sensitive.. XD
[17] Allergic:
YES!..of u!.. xp[18] What are you doing now:
wasting my time..;D
[19] What will you do 1 hour later:
ermm.. bath
[20] What will you do 10 years later :
doing things that i like..
[21] Live with mother/father/parents:
livin with my family in ipoh, livin with housemates in KL.
[22] Siblings(included you):
3[23] Eldest:
sister(11 yrs older)
[24] Youngest:
ME! (10yrs younger than my bro) XD
[25] Love/hate your family:
[26] You found your another half:
o_O..there is?
[27] If yes, who is he/she:
my cuzin bro.. LOL..hadiii! x3
[28] If no, who you want he/she to be: -
[29] Time(s) you in relationship:
infinity. xD
[30] Ever woo boy/girl(0-100000):
nt interested. kyaahaha!
[31] Anyone woo you before(0-100000):
there was? i didnt knw.. XD
[32] Did anything wrong to your other half:
er..no? o_O
[33] What was/were the wrong you had done:
err...er....did i? =O
[34] Ever argue with your other half:
err...no?...i did? ya
[35] You with your other half since:
since u ask this question =.=
[36] Are you straight/Lesbo:
-.-" *faintz*
[37] Reasons you love your other half:
fated.. XD
[38] You and your other half in which stage:
last stage.. -.- im gona kill the boss!
[39] You woo he/she or he/she woo you:
woo u lah...haiyo! -.-
[40] Ever think of marry he/she:
cant.. -.-"
[41] Your first best friend:
kindergarten-Adli, primary (Yee Shin), Sec (Diyan n Carina), nw (u!)[42] Your first enemy:
i dont make enemy..
[43] The friend you love the most:
evry1 who loves me.. XP[44] The enemy you hate the most(1only):
those who hates me +_+[45] Your most beautiful girl friend:
evry of my girl friends.
[46] Your most handsome guy friend:
those who thinks that hes handsome.. XD.shiok sendiri sia. [47] The kind of girl you hate the most:
that has the "attitude" of ...wadevaaaa~ -.-
[48] The kind of boy you hate the most:
[49] You fall in love with your close friend before:
did i?[50] Your best friend is your ex-lover:
is it?
[51] If your friend backstabbing you:
off u go into my black list.
[52] If your friend betray you:
off u go into my extra black list.
[53] If your friend woo your lover:
off u go into my fckin extra black list.[54] If your friend fall in love with you:
think b4 takin action. XD[55] If you fall in love with your best friend:
will i?
[56] Are you a good student:
YES! i AM! ^____^
[57] You always done your homeworks/assignments:
YEHH! ofcoz
[58] The teacher/tutor you love the most:
do i get extra marks by answerin this q?
[59] Always late to school/college:
late to school...early to college.. xD[60] Your class: currently
Foundation in Science----Biotechnology[61] You love your seniors:
y should i?
[62] Senior who you love the most:
y should i???
[63] Your classmates good/bad:
now?...lol..LOLers i can say.
[64] Excellent result classmate:
uhuh! we're the excellent students
[65] Laziest classmate:
[66] Smart people:
who? which people? me? yep!
[67] Stupid people:
[68] Good looking people:
are you? xD[69] Ugly people:
god's creation.lol...[70] Funny people:
which people la?! me? i am..
[71] Cute people:
my babies...-.-
[72] Bad people:
f0ook off![73] Honest people:
i am!
[74] Acting people:
ohh goshh! faker~~
[75] You are what kind of people:
i am the kind of MYSELF.THE PREFER
[76] Lip or eyes:
o_O...tongue..-.-[77] Hugs or kisses:
+___+" ...piiakkss
[78] Shorter or taller:
taller than me.[79] Hesitant or spontaneous:
[80] Nice stomach or nice arms:
huh? nice fingernails..
[81] Listener or talker:
how irritating can it be?[82] Romantic or rich:
wad u care??[83] Good husband or Good Father:
-.-" Good slave.
[84] Age to get marry:
when the time arrives
[85] Numbers of kid(s):
[86] Career:
i dont wanna make any business with YOU...[87] Salary:
[88] Retirement age:
100[89] Properties value:
omg? ur gona rob me!
[90] Wishes:
cant b exposed.
[91] Pikachu
[93] Caglvine ah gong
[94] Samantha
[95] Azizi
[96] ur dad -.-
[97] ur ah ma -.-
[98] ur ah gong -.-
[99] ur relatives...-.-
Mehh~mehh~~Selamat Hari Raya evry1 !! XD..
n happy 5 days off frm classes.
Assignment to b done.
Lab reports to b done.
Study for midterm exams in progress.
wahlaoo eh! -.-
-mehh mehh is goat sound- born in 1991 ? ur chinese zodiac is GOAT. hi5! XD