bak into the cage ~.~4 days break frm classes n now im bak to rape all the lecture notes. -.-"
I ponteng-ed biz class jz nw at 4-6pm n went to MidValley with daddy. lol. I was walkin with my
ankle-guard on coz i sprained my left ankle on Sunday. But it felt alright n not so painful like
what i had last 2 years. So the purpose of goin to Mv is actually to buy my shoe.

Went to eat at Carls Jr. For duno wad reason my dad made me laugh like ....OMG.guess y?..
He was lookin at the menu. Then kept on askin me what is that n what is this since he duno ma.
coz normally he didnt go order. So i didnt really actually listening lor.
This is the conversation ...
Dad : Why that 1 cheaper?Me : How i knw? u ask mr carls laDad : What m i eatin now?Me : ....Sh**..XD..FOOD!Dad : Y the chicken taste different?Me : Its pork.. =.=" (i gt annoyed).Dad : WHat?! -.-...u ahh... hmm.. heinz chili sauceMe : No..Ur dad's chilli sauce. XDDad : ..What is that at the counter?Me : What??Dad : tat wan at the counter..wad is tat?Me : What whatt?Dad : (he cursed me..-.-)...Diu .............(i think u guys knw wads the continuation of that)Me : *burst into laughter* HAHAHAAA!!!(luckily i wasnt drinkin...XD)..louder louder...hahaDad : ...*laughin*..u ahh..So u see.. its the 1st time that word came out frm his mouth TO ME.. n I was kinda shocked coz
its EFFINGG FUNNY! ..1st time leh..HAHAA!! funny sia! ppl arnd nt lookin at him coz he said
that but instead lookin at me laughin and giggling n actually i knocked my head on the table..
-.-"..funny fuunnyy...XDD gona play bubbles in the bathroom nw.
Jess~i'll do ur taggy ...2mro?.x)Ah gong~ how was ur "beloved" BM claz?Sammy~ This sat we go clubbing? LOL..or SUSHI? XDD cya in col.Hadiii~ faster come bak..i wan to hear all ur stories or shud i say complains abt ah gu'sn ur Gan Eng Seng sec skool story..XDDn to la babe.. ~.~ "