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I mumble & crap there ⇨⇨⇨ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Hey you!
I mumble & crap there ⇨⇨⇨ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Blabbly bluu
Thursday, February 26, 2009
-finally 18 ! out of the restricted areas...LOL-OTANJOUBI OMEDETOU!!~ HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY TO ME!!~ HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY TO CHERN YEE!!~ HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY TO MG!!~ These are all the 25th February girls. LOL.. imagine we're the powerpuff girls.... hahaha... The birthday celebration is NOT at the full stop yet. On the 24th February, I celebrated with my family at The Gardens. They had to go back to Ipoh that night. So, had to celebrate earlier. We ate at a Pakistan restaurant coz wanted to try the tandoori chicken. So yeh....and then mom and dad was asking what I want for my birthday... I said "later i bring u go see..." Then mom said .." what is it? TOYS ah?".. lol.. she really know her daughter well. i just gave them that cunning smile. :] Dad was like...."how old r u ahh?..still play with that.=.="... .. ... .... ..... ...... ....... ........ ......... ........ ....... ...... ..... .... ... .. . Tadaaaaa! dad got me the HUGGABLE MORINGO frm Action City!! xankyouuuuuuu!!! ^________________^"! ![]() When the clock striked 12.00am, 25th February 2009.. My handphone gt jammed...due to the non-stop incoming smses. haha.. Thanks all! and sorry for the late replies coz i really couldnt even reply any of the smses that night. =____=". digi sux or what?...lol. =X The next morning, I went to Plaza Low Yat with Chern Yee and YSim coz we planned to go to Red Box and YS wanted to see laptops. Anyway..so misserable.. 3 girls goin 4 karaoke. The others couldnt follow as well as MG coz they were having classes and exams. aww~ ;[ DONT ROB ME! ![]() It shows from 11.18 - 14.25 but we actually stopped at 3pm. haha ![]() [cy-ys-me] ..too bad. no1 help us take pics. LOL. thats y all half half. hahahaa ![]() and it was dark. -.- After that we went to Times Square and walk walk. Around 4pm+ took the LRT back. 5.30pm had our Prob & Stats class. HAHAAH! Anyway, thankss all who sent me the bday wishes in friendster and facebook although i dont really know u. gaaahahaha! Lastly, thanks facebook.. LOL! lame ![]() NExt round of celebration will be more people including MG nee-chan, the bday gal. haha.. conclusion is, February is a wonderful month for me I gt my driving licence, my bday, i gt my moringo, n hell ya! i bought a new shoe. which is equals to POKAI month!!! +.+" Sunday, February 15, 2009
Surprise! im bloggin again today.lol.Guess what inspired me to log in this blog-shyt page?.. Friends....ya..they inspired me to crap here. XD Well, I went to Sammy's blog earlier.. And I saw a post asking ..."shida...u dropped or skipped CE ?"... haha.. u havent seen me like ages..lol ages... and i knw u miss me.. *WAKAKAA*! The ans is...i skipped the classes due to the percentage of lazyness in myself. =X ... hahaa.. The fact is I wasnt around....the whole of last week I was back in Ipoh. And and...My drivin exam was on Wednesday..and and ... I only have 1 class on thursday...and...no class on Friday. So...ya..I didnt come back KL. Sammy was nt the only who misses me. HAHA! Uncle caglvine has been askin when m i gona go bak to KL to return hes pendrive. lol. HuiYong asked me whr was I. She thought something bad happen to me. Kushboo smsed me too. she xiang wo. another 1 thought something bad happen to me.. ChernYee is the 1 who asked me to bring back car to KL and bring her go shopping...-.- YS i duno go whr.. the blurr sotong gal.. =D Thema as always my information center. Any new information is frm her...xD Then shockingly, Dwayne sesat called me to ask whether is thr Accounting xtra class on Saturday which was yesterday. He made me panic coz I was stil in Ipoh and suddenly asked me abt extra class on Sat.. +___+".. but there wasnt any class. lucky me. 1 thing i cant 4get is at 12am on 14th Feb 2009. Some1 asked me to eat valentine's grass.. LOL! crappy Hardigochi!. and mooooo u! stop bullying me will ya?.. Lastly, my cuzzie Hadi chatted with me jz nw.. And he was asking me a question which I dont know what the hell was he talking abt.. As usual the conversation between us - Cuzin : I ask u something ah. Me : orhh..ask lah. Cuzin : u answer ah... Me : =.=" abor then? u ask.. i ans la.. abt what? Cuzin : about Tech stuff... Me : ok..my fav sub. Cuzin : What can u make to produce sound? Me : FART! Cuzin : =.=" .. properly ans la... Me : lol..okok.. hmm..what can i make to produce sound? ... er..i bath,thrs water sound.. i clap,clapping sound...i eat...chewing sound..o_o Cuzin : not that la.. with device.... Me : huh?..whistle? Cuzin : ...no..faster think la.. its my homework! The conversation continued until thr was no solution and I told him I actually didnt understand what he really asked. LOL.. -THE END- Anyway, take good care and be more careful for those who lives around UCSI. doesnt matter southwing or northwing. Even Taman Connought and around Cheras as well. This is because my housemate's handbag just gt snatched. I guess u'll understand what does that mean. GOD BLESS EVERY1 and Valentine's Day is not just for couples. CHEERS! :) Saturday, February 14, 2009
hoooyaayyyy!!!~Based on the previous post, Ive mentioned abt the driving exam right? right? right??... *winks* Well, Im officially a car driver with an official driving licence. =.=". After all those days i drove without licence....at last..no policeman will catch me without licence. =X gaaaahahaa!~ Alright, lets seee what i did few days ago.........*STARING AT THE SCREEN*.......... aaaah~ ya.. I played maple. Its been so long I didnt log in. Just because my lovely dad deleted it again and I had to download it back again........and yah..I reinstalled it back last week. It started when Mr Panda told me that hes acc been hacked. So, I gt freaked out. I promised him to take care of his acc since he couldnt play that much and I thought I will be as active as before. But unfortunately, Im not active as how i gt addicted to it. So ya..... Hes acc and mine kana abondoned for quite sometime. =[ ... I checked my acc. They were alright except 1. HACKED+NAKED+EMPTY = OMG!!!.... Its the acc i used to open shops and sell stuffs and there were a quite large sum of mesos. =.=" mesos = $$ .. well, GONE. I dont knw why.. I stunt for like a min lookin at the naked character. geeezzzz! T______T. Anyway, Im sorry panda bro! =X ... u were right...all the sleeping, eating, studying, working times have been sacrificed just for maple. *sigh*. Ok. Then, I played with my cuzin. Something foolish happened. It was midnight. Around 12am+, we were training and playing around and doing quests and visiting some places since its been a long time I didnt play maple. So ya..... I looked at the clock on the wall, it showed 3.50am.. Then I told my cuzin, " Im gona slp at 4am..." . He replied..." huh? Its already 6.10am.." I was like.... ! !#$%#$%#^#$##!#%^ %*&*(&(*!!!!!!!!...... No wonder I feel so drowsy.. -.-" The clock tricked me!! LOL...baaakaaa desu!!~ Now abt the day I had my driving exam. Waited for my turn. Thr was this 1 really old chinese uncle..or shud i call him AH GONG... well ya..he was the 1 who call us number by number. While waiting, he talked and talked and talked and mumbled and mumbled and talked and mumbled....and crapped! AH GONG : olang sekalang ahh, pandu itu keleta machiam kayu. luluk dalam keleta pun machiam kayu. Lu tengok itu (pointing at the person doing parking test)..saya suluh dia pigi masuk itu ..lepan lagi la...itu satu lagi keleta boleh masuk.. luluk dalam keleta machiam kayu. saya bukan mau marah la.. saya bagi nasihat. mesti dengar nasihat punya.......tengok itu!...lepan lagi la... itu galisan putih ialah mula.. M U L A. (he spelled that) ... (took out hes cigarette and starts smoking)........ Well, its longer than that ofcoz.. But the fact is....he really made me laugh like sai. I felt so much better laughin while waiting for my turn to be tested. Not so panic then. haha..thx ah gong. It was a hot day. my number was 53. =.=" The tester who attended me was an indian man. While I was driving, he turned on the radio and it was an indian channel. -_-". He was actually listening to the radio. -.- indian news. oh gawd.. hahaaa... And guess what.. he was SMS-ing ...ya...he was holding hes handphone below a paper. As if i couldnt see...+.+" And my mark for the test was 18/20 ... It should be full mark..-.- ... lol. okeyy.. THE END.. this is 1 long crappy post.. +.+" anyway... Happy Valentine's Day to all the humans on this earth! I have to study for my tests next week.. =.= God bless me! Wednesday, February 4, 2009
-i extra slacked! shiet!-Christmas over... New Year over... MoooMoo New Year over ... all ended so fast. And i just realised that i have not studied anything since the 1st day college reopened. omg?.. +.+ Anyway, had 1 week and 4 days break for CNY. And yes.. I SLACKED! thats not a good thing =.="... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!~ All the exams and tests popping out of my mind...freaking me out... crap! I had a weird dream last nite. I saw myself SMOKING!..yes...cigarette! it freaked me out ! it was a crappily crappy CRAP DREAM! -3-" 1 more thing... My lovely dad destroyed my shoe which he bought it last year. Its in the previous post. It was dirty. Yahhh.. kena mud on the field. The 5th day of CNY, I went out to meet up my friends and also to watch the fireworks at Padang Ipoh. It was raining earlier. So, the field became wet and muddy and squishy and shiety and yucky and eewwy.........==" Dad sent me and he said i will be watchin WATERWORKS instead of FIREWORKS.. *faint* So, back to the shoe.. The next morning, he saw it was dirty, and he went to wash it..tsk tsk tskk I appreciate that he washed it though. But...Nvm..its hard to explain. . ='[ So yah... i dont knw y i feel so suay -.-" Driving test next week. I'll kill the examiner if he fails me! pffff! (here's the fireworks) -_- well, ofcourse not the international standard of fireworks. ahaaha..lame =.= |