Its Sunday!
A day to relax!
A day to stay at home and rot watching TV and playing games ...and movies....
Right? Right? ~_~
Nawww...Unfortunately, its not....for me... at the moment.
Why? Because I need to Mugggg Mugggg Muggg for Final exams.
Like this...
Anyways, I could stil go to MV with yong sim yesterday. Siao anot? Came back home at 4pm+. Half day wasted . haha.
Too stress.. Need to shop abit. ^-^v
and i ate this

Last lab for University Chemistry2. Me likey...;D

Jyaaaa ne!~
Mehhh~ Mehhh~
Dad emailed me,
"Please kindly return to me my iphone's earphone if you took it. Luv, dad"
I replied him,
"Sorry to say, Im not kind enough to return it back. Do get a new 1 for urself.
Luv, daughter. "
He only realised that hes earphone's gone only after 2 weeks i took it. JYaaHAHAAA
-The end of today's post-
LOL... i feel weird loggin in here.
DAng! i shall not make my interest in crapping here fade away.
Many days have past. and LOL. I aint crapping about those past days.
Lets see..What I did today?
Went for lab. Ended at 12.30pm. ahaaa! I was attempting on doing a magic trick
taught by boo after the lab session has ended. lol.
1st, i took my deck of cards from my bag. I put it on the table. Oh crap!
Mr Tai came and said "What are u doing? playing cards ah?". I said " no no no..
im doing magic.heeehe" ..
Unfortunately, he replied " dont play ah. keep it ". LOL
Too bad leh, im stubborn. I put it in my bag then took it out again. ;P
2nd attempt on showing the trick to my friends. =.="
Now, Mr James..or wadsoever he's name is, the lab assistant. (irritating creature) =x
He came to me and asked " What are you doing?" ...
And again i said " doing magic. wanna see?"
He replied " No thank you." ( he walks off) LOL.
Then I did the trick successfully. But they said I cheated like...dunno lah. lol.
After that I went to the bank. =.= . Met Victor on the way. Like usual...the 1st
thing comes out from his mouth is " Where u guys going?".. lol lah.
Since he gt nothing better to do.. He followed me to the bank. =.=" . like..aimlessly lor.
Then, he said out loud the amount i have in my account. -.-"
I was like...shuttt up! i dont wanna gt rob after this...~___~"
Then I went in bak to uni. He was tagging me. --.--" . Went to pay my miscelaneous
Then I gt to go for my meeting. And so he left. HAahaa.
During the assignment meeting, no need to say lah. videos uploaded at FB. lol.
Then around 4pm+, went to the library to study. rajin kan? ... XD
Few hours after that, was halfway asleep. LMAO!
around 6pm+ decided to go bak home.
It was such a hot day. Me no likey... #__#
At the entrance of my condo, there were humans in blue uniform. lol. the guards lah.
wHats their job? Checking if anyone is without the new resident card.
And im one of them. LOL. But .....the uncle knows me. He said. '" ah..jalan lah.. no need to fill in the book. i know u"
See...If ur friendly with no matter who, u'll get the advantage. HAHAAAHAA!
Ok. The end.
Like woah.. i crapped this long today after abondoning this place. Mehhh Mehhh~
-I want the time to go slower so that it wont be approaching the final exams.
I also want the time to move faster so that the day will come - (u know this boo) LOOL!!
Gladly, life's like this. ^-^