Hey you!
I mumble & crap there ⇨⇨⇨ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Hey you!
I mumble & crap there ⇨⇨⇨ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Blabbly bluu
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Friday, July 25 2008 THE END of Gen Chem & BCOM lectures which means ByeBye to our "crappy" Mr KoK YL.~*sadded*~ LOL! Such a funny day. And i actually laughed for like 85% for the whole day. Gen Bio - 1st of all, Im sooo soo sorry MayMay, U mite not knoe wad happen. But ur paper bcme wet because of me. ermm.. I was drinking, den Miss Thama made me laugh! so, as expected, i'll burst into laughter n splashed the water out. >0< . So, it was like...OMYGOSH!.. i made fountain in the class. Frens n classmates saw n laughed n i was soooo embarassed!..luckily NOT the whole class leh! n luckily it was the 10mins break tats y u were n0t thr coz u went out. And so, Mr Raj didnt realise, i guess =x...I hope its already dry by now neh~ =X Gen Chem - N again, Thanks to pika for being such a "naughty" boy for the whole sem who made Mr KoK made the class full of laughter. (err, get wad i mean with the "made and made thingie" ? i feel weird -_-" BCOM class - Xankkyouuu~ sir for the "REALLY" helpful tips for BCOM final exam. Worth stayin til 6pm+ ...+_+ n now, LETS STUDY! LOLiie!~final is jz ar0und the freakin corner n im actually SCARED! T3T To Mr Raj, plz dont say that u assure we are gona fail. Coz in each class u say that n u actually lower down my confident!! goodness! >__< Lastly, Msian Studies SUX! =X -off to dreamin section- nii-chan! thx 4 postin tis kawaii L in forum!! hontou ni kawaiii!! ^-^ L ish teh LUF! x3 --bluryy=me +_+-- ![]() |