papa tagged me n so im doin it nw instead of crapping my own stuff. ;)
1. Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
3. No tags back!!
15 weird things/habits/facts abt myself are :
1. I talk with my toys. =X or so called babies . Those hanging at my bags. im NOT insane.

Those are my babies~^-^~
2. Newly discovered ---> i'll tend to start mopping the floor when im stress. +_+
3. I dont like to put my bags on the floor nor any other place, so u can see my bags are on my bed.
4. I HATE "taugeh" (bean sprout) . I'll waste my time separating those taugeh frm the food im eating.

These are TAUGEHS! gaaaaaaa!!~>.<~
5. I roll myself in my blankie if i sleep on the floor. Dx
6. Im a girl, n i DO play games alot. Doesnt matter online games or Ps2 games. Some ppl tend to
think that a girl shouldnt b playin games like those fighting or horror or bla bla bla...
7. Im a 17yrs old girl who sometimes sleep with her parents. =x
8. I dont like sweet drinks, so i'll add plain water. It will bcme diluted n my fren will say, "aiyer..not nice de, canot taste anything"
9. Im an anime fan . ^____^`
10. I used to get addicted to Maplesea n Auditionsea, i wasted my $$ to buy those cash cards.

Thrs only 20 in that pic but i have more than that actually -_-
11. I used to haf kinda short hair, so i used GATSBY movin rubber . Conclusion, ppl thought im a boy n said that im the BF to my gal fren. =.=". P/S i have longer hair NOW. XD

12. I HATE SMOKERS ..yeh, tats a fact abt me.
13. I tend to make weird sounds. I dont knw y. Such as, "nyuuuuu~, nyaaaaa~,chuuuu~~, nyeeeeeeh!~, fuuuuuu~..." n lots more. -_-. u can only experience this if ur living with me in the same house.
14. I still play with bubbles when i have time during my bath.
15. DO NOT make me laugh when im drinking. i bet chuu all knw it. I have the ability to make fountain if i really canot tahan. Results will b, either ur face will get wet or u'll experience free bathing.
The 1 lucky person im gona tag is : -
1. Pikachu XD